2024-2025 Job Market Candidates
Placement Director- David Weil, david_weil@brown.edu, 401-863-1754
Placement Manager-Angelica Spertini, angelica_spertini@brown.edu, 401-863-2465
Mauricio M. Caceres Bravo
Job Market Paper: The Effects of Prisons on Inmate Misconduct and Later Outcomes
References: Peter Hull, Jonathan Roth, Anna Aizer
Fields: Applied microeconomics, crime, health, applied econometrics
Jake Fabian
Job Market Paper: The Price of Risk: Flood Insurance Premium Reform and Local Development
References: Brian Knight, Jesse Bruhn, Matthew Turner
Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Public Economics, Urban Economics, Political Economy
Aarushi Kalra
Job Market Paper: Social Media Algorithms versus User Preferences in a Large-Scale RCT
References: Andrew Foster, Peter Hull, Brian Knight, Stelios Michalopoulos, Daniel Björkegren
Fields: Development Economics, Digital Economies and Political Economy
Ruchi Mahadeshwar
Job Market Paper: Outside Options and the Supply of Sex Work
References: Andrew Foster, Bryce Steinberg, Matthew Pecenco
Fields: Development and Labor
Michael Neubauer
Job Market Paper: Race, Poverty, and the Changing American Suburbs
References: Matthew Turner, Andrew Foster, Peter Hull
Fields: Urban Economics, Development Economics, Environmental Economics
Sergei Pankratev
Job Market Paper 1: Economic Achievement and Vertical Cultural Transmission
Job Market paper 2: Time Well Spent? The Impact of Data Engagement on Predictive Performance
References: Louis Putterman, Neil Thakral, Pedro Dal bo
Fields: Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Cultural Economics, Political Economy, Growth
Pedro Picchetti
Job Market Paper: Instrumental Variables with Multiple Time Periods
References: Cristine Pinto, Jonathan Roth, Peter Hull
Fields: Econometrics, Causal Inference, Applied Microeconometrics
María Mercedes Ponce de León
Job Market Paper: The Role of Officer Gender in Responses to Domestic Violence
References: Brian Knight, Anna Aizer, Jesse Bruhn
Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Gender Economics, Economics of Crime, Political Economy
Luca Rizzotti
Job Market Paper: Racial discrimination against crime victims: Evidence from police investigations of violent crime
References: Brian Knight, Peter Hull, Jesse Bruhn
Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Economics of Crime, Political Economy, Labor Economics
Yunyu Shu
Job Market Paper: Informed Climate Adaptation: Input and Output Subsidies for Shaded Cocoa
References: Andrew Foster, Louis Putterman, Neil Thakral
Fields: Development Economics, Environmental Economics
Alexander Yarkin
Job Market Paper: Does the “Melting Pot” Still Melt? Internet and Immigrants’ Integration
References: Oded Galor, Stelios Michalopoulos, David Weil, Giovanni Peri, Frédéric Docquier
Fields: Labor Economics, Political Economy, Macroeconomics and Growth