Lint Barrage is joining Brown from the University of Maryland, where she had been an Assistant Professor after receiving her Ph.D. from Yale University in 2013. Her specialization is in environmental and public economics, with a research focus on the economics of climate change and the intersection of environmental and macroeconomic considerations in policy design. At Brown she looks forward to teaching a course on environmental economics and policy in the fall semester.
One of her core research interests is to study feedback effects between environmental systems, the macroeconomy, and competing public policies. Her current work in this area incorporates both fiscal policy considerations and more detailed representations of climate change impacts into integrated assessment climate-economy models in order to derive policy implications. Similarly, in new collaborative work, she is integrating empirically estimated natural disaster impacts into a macroeconomic growth and policy model to study disaster costs under alternative policy and climate scenarios.
Her second line of research uses empirical methods to study broader questions in environmental and public economics. Examples include both micro-econometric and experimental work on whether private markets can incentivize environmental stewardship, whether regulatory burdens can be adjusted to economic fluctuations, and on the valuation of environmental and other public goods.