Department of Economics
October 25, 2015

Aizer's research on the effect of welfare transfers on children's life cited by the New York Times


An article in the New York Times cites work by Brown economist Anna Aizer forthcoming in the American Economic Review. The research shows that children whose mothers received welfare (cash transfers to low income families) had better long term outcomes: they stayed in school longer, earned more in adulthood and lived longer.

Migrant MotherAn article in the New York Times titled "The Myth of Welfare’s Corrupting Influence on the Poor" cites work by Anna Aizer forthcoming in the American Economic Review (joint with Shari Eli of the University of Toronto, Joseph P. Ferrie of Northwester University, and  Adriana Lleras-Muney of UCLA). This research shows that the first government-sponsored welfare program in the US (1911-1935) had a positive impact on the nutritional status of children whose families received cash transfers and had a long-run positive impact on their educational outcomes, income in adulthood and longevity.