Department of Economics


A set of courses that both use and teach economic theory and other quantitative methods in the study of financial institutions and financial markets. They include many of the traditional pragmatic classes offered in an undergraduate business curriculum.

Relevant Courses

  • ECON0710 Financial Accounting
  • ECON1710 Investments I
  • ECON1720 Corporate Finance
  • ECON1730 Venture, Capital, Private Equity, and Entrepreneurship
  • ECON1740 Mathematical Finance
  • ECON1750 Investments II
  • ECON1760 Financial Institutions
  • ECON1770 Fixed Income Securities
  • ECON1780 Corporate Strategy
  • ECON1790 Corporate Governance and Management
  • ECON1830 Behavioral Finance


  • Brad Gibbs

    Research Interests Capital Formation, Valuation, Governance
  • Rafael La Porta

    Research Interests Macroeconomics, Investor Protection, Corporate Governance