2000 Working Papers
Incentives and the Core of an Exchange Economy: A Survey
2000-22 | Francoise Forges, Enrico Minelli and Rajiv Vohra
Income Distribution and the Process of Development
2000-21 | Oded Galor
Structural Changes in the Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Model
2000-20 | Peter Reinhard Hansen
The Johansen-Granger Representation Theorem: A Closed Form Expression for I(1)Processes
2000-19 | Peter Reinhard Hansen
Natural Selection and the Origin of economic Growth
2000-18 | Oded Galor and Omer Moav
Das Human Kapital
2000-17 | Oded Galor and Omer Moav
Type Diversity and Virtual Bayesian Implementation
2000-16 | Roberto Serrano and Rajiv Vohra
2000-15 | Herschel I. Grossman
Published in American Economic Review, 91(2), May 2001, 347-352
2000-14 | Herschel I. Grossman
Decentralized Information and the Walrasian Outcome:A Pairwise Meetings Market with Private Values
2000-13 | Roberto Serrano
States and Markets: the Advantage of an Early Start
2000-12 | Louis Putterman and Valerie Bockstette
The Factor Content of Bilateral Trade:an Empirical Test
2000-11 | Yong-Seok Choi and Pravin Krishna
Consumption-Based Asset Pricing with Incomplete Markets
2000-10 | Tom Krebs
Investigating the Rise of Labor Redundancy in China's State Industry
2000-9 | Xiao-yuan Dong and Louis Putterman
Agenda Restrictions in Multi-Issue Bargaining
2000-8 | Younghwan In and Roberto Serrano
2000-7 | Herschel I. Grossman and Minseong Kim
Published in Journal of Banking and Finance, 26(9), September 2002
The Evolution of Exchange
2000-6 | Assaf Ben-Shoham, Roberto Serrano, and Oscar Volij
Does The Mortality Decline Promote Economic Growth?
2000-5 | Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan
Non-Distortionary Environmental Taxes
2000-4 | Talbot Page and Qinghua Zhang
Some Limitations of Virtual Bayesian Implementation
2000-3 | Roberto Serrano and Rajiv Vohra
Decisiveness and The Viability of Anarchy
2000-2 | Herschel I. Grossman, Minseong Kim and Juan Mendoza
How Large is the Bias in Self-Reported Disability?
2000-1 | Hugo Benitez-Silva, Moshe Buchinsky, Hiu Man Chan, Sofia Cheidvasser and John Rust