1997 Working Papers
Orthogonal Parameters and Panel Data
1997-32 | Tony Lancaster
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Private Information in the Coase Theorem
1997-31 | Richard D. McKelvey and Talbot Page
Educational Policy: Egalitarian or Elitist?
1997-30 | Herschel I. Grossman and Minseong Kim
Consumption Smoothing through Fiscal Policy in OECD and EU Countries
1997-29 | Adriana Arreaza, Bent E. Sorensen and Oved Yosha
European Union: Convergence, Balanced Growth and the Steady State
1997-28 | Jerome L. Stein
On the Existence of Necessarily Welfare-Enhancing Free Trade Areas
1997-25 | Arvind Panagariya and Pravin Krishna
1997-24 | Oscar Volij
Paper Last Revised: September 16, 1997
Endogenous Probability of Failure for a Financial Intermediary: A Dynamic Model
1997-23 | Moshe Buchinsky and Oved Yosha
On the Number of Bootstrap Repetitions for Bootstrap Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Tests
1997-21 | Donald W. K. Andrews and Moshe Buchinsky
Methodological Issues in Asset Pricing: Random Walk or Chaotic Dynamics
1997-20 | A. G. Malliaris and Jerome L. Stein
Are Regional Trading Blocs 'Natural'?
1997-19 | Pravin Krishna
1997-18 | Roberto Serrano and Ken-Ichi Shimomura
Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Theory
A Unification of the Theory of Second Best
1997-17 | Pravin Krishna and Arvind Panagariya
The Effect of Trade Policy Reforms on Labor Markets: Evidence from India
1997-16 | Uma Kambhampati, Pravin Krishna and Devashish Mitra
1997-15 | Darin Lee and Oscar Volij
Paper Last Revised: Nov 20, 1997
Federal Insurance of US States: An Empirical Investigation
1997-14 | Bent E. Sørensen and Oved Yosha
Educational Attainment and the Changing U.S. Wage Structure: Some Dynamic Implications
1997-13 | Moshe Buchinsky and Phillip Leslie
Efficient Method of Moments Estimation of a Stochastic Volatility Model: A Monte Carlo Study
1997-12 | Torben G. Anderson, Hyung-Jin Chung and Bent. E. Sørensen
Incomplete Information, Incentive Compatibility and the Core
1997-11 | Rajiv Vohra
Published in Journal of Economic Theory, 86, 123-147, (1999)
Comment on McLennan and Sonnenschein "Sequential Bargaining as a Non-Cooperative Foundation for Walrasian Equilibrium"
1997-10 | Nir Dagan, Roberto Serrano and Oscar Volij
Published in Econometrica, 66, 1231-1233, (11991998)
1997-9 | Roberto Serrano and Oscar Volij
Paper Last Revised: June 1998
Kaldor-Hicks Compensation
1997-8 | Allan Feldman
Learning to Coordinate in Repeated Games
1997-7 | In-Koo Cho
1997-6 | Herschel I. Grossman and Taejoon Han
Published in Journal of Monetary Economics, 44(1), August 1999, 149-158
Wherefore a Prudent Fiscal Policy?
1997-5 | Herschel I. Grossman
Published in Budget Deficits: A Global Perspective, S. Shojai, ed., Praeger, 1998
1997-4 | Avner Ben-Ner and Louis Putterman
Paper Last Revised: January 1997
Predators, Moral Decay, and Moral Revivals
1997-3 | Herschel I. Grossman and Minseong Kim
Published in European Journal of Political Economy, 16(2), June 2000, 173-187
Invariance and Randomness in the Nash Program for Coalitional Games
1997-2 | Nir Dagan and Roberto Serrano
Published in Economic Letters, 58, 43-49, (1998)
A Theory of Urban Growth
1997-1 | Duncan Black and Vernon Henderson