Department of Economics

Standard Track (A.B.)

Students considering the Standard Economics concentration should review the recommended sequence of courses as they decide what classes to take during their first four semesters. 


Math (one of the following)


  • Econ 0110 or equivalent scores*
  • Econ 1110** (or Econ 1130)
  • Econ 1210**
  • Econ 1620† 
  • Econ 1629 or Econ 1630
  • 5 additional 1000-level economics course electives
  • (A senior capstone project or honors thesis is highly recommended although not required.)

          -Econ 1970 (independent study) cannot be used to meet concentration requirements, but up to two can be used for university credit.

          -At most one Economics course in the 1000-1099 range may be applied toward the concentration requirements.


*If placing out of ECON 0110, an additional 1000-level Economics course elective (which is need not be from the set of Standard electives) will be required for a total of 6 1000-level Economics courses. Note that at most one Economics course in the 1000-1099 range may be applied toward the concentration requirement. 

**Note that ECON 1110 and ECON 1210 have a prerequisite of MATH 0060, 0070, or 0090, and some advanced electives have further math prerequisites.

† APMA 1650, APMA 1655, CSCI 1450, or MATH 1620 can substitute for ECON 1620. Note that ECON 1620 cannot be used as one of the five 1000-level electives.