Department of Economics
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Check out the Vice article "Can We Print Infinite Money to Pause the Economy During the Coronavirus Pandemic?" which features a Q&A with Brown Professor David Weil.
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The New York Times

Professor John Friedman's Research Featured in NYT!

Professor John Friedman's research regarding income segregation and intergenerational mobility across colleges in the United States was featured in the New York Times article, A Simple Way to Equalize the Ivies? Give Others the Legacy SAT Bonus.

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Check out The Economist article, Not all democracies are experiencing American-style tribalism, which references research by Brown Economics Professor Jesse Shaprio and Levi Boxell and Matthew Gentzkow of Stanford University!
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We are delighted that Martín Guzmán (PhD 2013) was designated as the future Economy Minister of Argentina. His PhD dissertation, entitled "The Causes and Effects of Financial Crises," was conducted under the supervision of professors Peter Howitt, Oded Galor and Ross Levine. Since his graduation, Martín has been working jointly with Joseph E. Stiglitz as an Associate Research Scholar at Columbia University.
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News From Economics

Alumni Profile: Andrea Matthews, A.B. '11

Andrea Matthews graduated from Brown in 2011, double-concentrating in Economics and Public Policy, and graduated from Harvard Law School in 2015.
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News From Economics

Alumni Profile: Aly Migliori, A.B. '13

Aly Migliori is a Film Director and Cinematographer and the Co-Founder of First Hunt Films in New York City. At Brown, she concentrated in both Economics and honors in Modern Culture & Media.
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The Bodossaki Foundation Board of Trustees announced on May 14th the Foundation's Scientific Prizes for 2019. Associate Professor Stelios Michalopoulos received the distinguished scientific award for his work in the field of Social Sciences.
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News From Economics

New Business Economics Track

We are excited to announce the creation of a new Business Economics Track in the Economics Concentration. This new track builds upon recent investments in the department and faculty hiring in this area and is designed to serve significant student interest.
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News From Economics

News from the Graduate School

Professor Andrew Foster wins award for outstanding faculty advising and mentoring from the graduate school. PhD student Florian Gunsilius wins the Jourkowsky Family Foundation Outstanding Dissertation Award.
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News from Brown

Highlighting Brown’s distinction in economics

With an increased focus on unearthing novel data sources for analysis, Brown’s economics scholars are bringing new insights to complex problems and teaching the next generation of researchers and policymakers to do the same.
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News From Economics

BrownConnect: Women in Finance

On Thursday, November 8th from 4:00-5:00 PM in the CareerLab 1st Floor, (167 Angell St, Providence), BrownConnect and the Advisory Council on Economics are pleased to host a distinguished group of alumnae to share their perspective on working in the finance services industry.
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News From Economics

Fain Lecture

Please join us on Wednesday, October 10 at 4pm for the Bernard I. Fain Lecture titled “How Inequality Harms the Wealthy”, delivered by Robert H. Frank, the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics at Cornell University.
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