Join us for the Seminar on Race and Inequality featuring Randall Kennedy, What Is Racial Equality and How Can It Be Achieved?, on Wednesday November 18, from 4-5:30.
The Bravo Center welcomes scholars in the Department of Economics to contribute to the Orlando Bravo Working Paper Series. All faculty members are welcome to release their papers to the Series, while graduate students must obtain and acknowledge a faculty member as a sponsor. Faculty sponsors should evaluate graduate papers based on whether the paper is about to be submitted to a journal and whether the paper is...
After 63 years of teaching, Borts retired from Brown at the start of the academic year. Borts has mentored renowned alums including Janet Yellen ’67, current vice chair of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.
Check Out Prof. Oster's Article in the Atlantic, "The ‘Just Stay Home’ Message Will Backfire" about the need for 'less extreme and more nuanced recommendations for navigating life during the pandemic'.
Check out the Vice article "Can We Print Infinite Money to Pause the Economy During the Coronavirus Pandemic?" which features a Q&A with Brown Professor David Weil.
Check out Emily Oster's article, "For Pregnant Women Who Are Scared of Hospitals Right Now, Is Switching to Home Birth Better?" featured in Slate, about her thoughts on switching to home birth during this time.
Professor John Friedman's research regarding income segregation and intergenerational mobility across colleges in the United States was featured in the New York Times article, A Simple Way to Equalize the Ivies? Give Others the Legacy SAT Bonus.
Check out The Economist article, Not all democracies are experiencing American-style tribalism, which references research by Brown Economics Professor Jesse Shaprio and Levi Boxell and Matthew Gentzkow of Stanford University!
We are delighted that Martín Guzmán (PhD 2013) was designated as the future Economy Minister of Argentina. His PhD dissertation, entitled "The Causes and Effects of Financial Crises," was conducted under the supervision of professors Peter Howitt, Oded Galor and Ross Levine. Since his graduation, Martín has been working jointly with Joseph E. Stiglitz as an Associate Research Scholar at Columbia University.
The degree of doctor honoris causa is conferred on particularly outstanding and distinguished researchers. The event is a symbolic act of the honorary-degree holder becoming part of an academic community.